Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random updatesss..seriously....'s the second and the last day of our Hari Raya holiday. I woke up surprisingly early this morning (9.30am, hehehe....)and started doing work-Figure studies that is. Everyone in class is getting really good at it, so I must try not to fall behind...>_< I also have to go to the pasar malam tonight to do my gesture drawing or I'll be screwed for tomorrow....D= I miss pasar malam and her super INEXPENSIVE honey dew sagooooo, hopefully I can find the place tonight...!

Anyways, Yokey will be moving into my place in a few days time, =D and she'll be my roomie! Don't know if that's a good or bad thing...only time will tell I guess. But when she's around I can use her laptop to leech the internet from the neighbours~~fufufu~~so that's one plus point...also I won't die of boredom being in this room by myself...XD

Oh, and I went to the dentist, he told me I have two cavities, I only knew about one of them. =_=;;; I have to undergo a root canal treatment for one of the cavities since I don't wanna remove it...ah...sounds painful, but Pei Yoong said that it doesn't really hurt..SO IT WON'T HURT!! YOu hear that Thomas and Yokey??!! There won't be any screaming coming from the dentist's consultation room!!

Gah,I had better get back to work, the point of this post is to satisfy those of you who say that I don't update enough..there, you guys happy now? Be patient while I try to get internet connection...=w= Hohohoho, I got prints from Kidchan~~and I'm still not forgiving Ah Beng for what he did....

Oh Yes!! And Happy Birthday Cat!! I can't believe I forgot it was today!!! You probably won't see this but whattheheck I just wanna make a shoutout!! Love you, girl!! >w<

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