Sunday, October 26, 2008

No Payne no gain!! super lame-but I couldn't help it!!! (Yea, I can see you people face palming or rolling your eyes) Yep, you've guessed it, I went to watch Max Payne!

I really don't know what to say about it, it was kinda cool, but stupid at the same time (?). Because some scenes from the movie really made me want to roll off my chair just by watching them, and they weren't meant to be funny. Well, don't take my word for it, go check it out anyway, seriously, the choreography is awesome, the settings are ZOMG too(snow, snow and more snow! =D) so are the computer graphics, and the ladies in that movie are all really pretty for some odd reason...! Hence, there's plenty of eye candy for the boys. Especially this scene somewhere thirty minutes into the movie if I am not mistaken. Ahem ahem. Next movie I wanna watch-Tropic Thunder! Jack Black and Ben Stiller in a movie about a bunch of guys trying to make a movie about the Vietnam War and they get abandoned in the middle of the forest-now that's something to look forward to!!!

It'd better not disappoint.

Oh..and I stumbled across a very interesting website..called Urban Dictionary. It's like, except that they give you meanings to slangs and internet language. So here are some words you probably never (and now wished that you had never) heard of before:

facemouth bitch: Someone who talks too damn much
FTSU: Fuck the shut up (?!)
gackt: (yes, gackt has his whole frickin' lifestory in there, no idea what he's doing in Urban dictionary though)
gobshite: A word of Irish origin, meaning a person who blabbers on about incredibly senseless things. (Ah, it's another one of Ah Beng's aliases)
oh shit bar: The handle found in most cars to either hold onto around corners taken at speed, or to hang shirts and such. (I think Fei Yan mentioned this before 0_o)
Oh Peter: Oh Peter is a little boy who sits at the tops of the steps in a historic castle. Oh Peter replaces any swear word you wish it to. (How convenient ==;;;)

(Sorry bout the strong language, they were the only ones who managed to catch my attention)

Okay, browsing that website's making my IQ drop dangerously low, so I'll stop right now.
It's increasing my vocabulary of foul language too ohohoho~~

Class for the past week was kinda bleh...I just realized how frustrated I get after every Drawing 2 class, cause I never seem to be able to finish my drawing piece before 7pm. And God, I can't tell you just how irritating that is-to see everyone create fantastic looking artworks and still pack up to leave before you!! I wish I didn't concentrate so much on painting the damn background and screwing up everything else!!! Okay, I'm not gonna go on whining about here, but I've gotta apologize to Yokey, Ivon and Kev for having to put up with me when I went on a bitch fit last Tuesday. Sigh. Maybe it's my time management, Jun Mei mentioned it in class. Man, I know I can do better in Drawing, I just need more time, or better time management, or both. Yea, definitely both. Hopefully typing all this down will serve as a reminder for me to work harder on that...hehehe...=w=

Oh God, Ah beng, gimme a break, will ya??

Figure studies was awesome cuz' Chin lee showed us some of the old stuff he did when he was in college and in Beijing. That man is Godlike. He's got pretty scary stuff...oh yesh he does...=A= Letterforms sux as usual..with the exception of Mr.Happy Eyes and Mr. Angry Scarface's debut! The History of arts test was okay I think...And on Friday Micheal just continued babbling about how the young people should take care of their body and exercise when he doesn't realize the crazy amount of workload we have. Or maybe he does and he's doing this for kicks, ah, who knows.Yea, I already know I'm mean.

Mr. Happy eyes!!

Mr Angry Scarface!!

Ah...and..Language and communication skills was horrible, how I wish I could have just evaporated into thin air when I was up there. I'd really wanna work on my presentation skills though, Pinky's feedback was really useful, and staying back to talk to her for that extra hour(it sure felt like an hour) was very VERY insightful indeed. But the suckiness of that still couldn't top my design assignment. It just went so bad.

7.10 a.m.

Me: Hi Ivon!! Guess what I made for my design project?
Ivon: Eh? What did you make??
Me: A chicken!!!
Ivon: er..what..? A chicken? *forced laughter*
Me: Yes, a chicken!! Bwahahahah~~~
Ivon: Why..a chicken..? ^^;;;
Me: I don't know!! I've been asking myself the same thing for the past three hours!!

In class.

Terry: Let me see what you made! You show me yours and I 'll show you mine!
Me: I made a chicken!!
Terry: Wha-?! Why a chicken..? o0;;
Me:I don't know!!!! ;_;

3.30 p.m.

Me: I made a chicken for design!!!
Thomas: *looks at photograph* Well, that is one pretty cool chicken!
Me: But it's a chickennn!!! WHYYYYYYYY???!!!!! T___________________T

Thomas: What??

Please forgive me, I wasn't thinking straight when I started my project at three in the morning. It was supposed to be a bird, but you know, at 5 in the morning your hands start to work on their own and tadaaahh~!!

I call it the "chicken who tried to fly", BURRN you stupid chicken!! BURRNN!!!!

Here's a sneak peek into the Mahou Meidou Ryodan project. I know I'm gonna regret this. I know it will result in endless teasing by people whose names I wish not to mention. I know..I know..I know..!!!

-but I still can't help it. I'm doing this purely for the cruel satisfaction of poking fun at myself - and trust me, this does not happen very often.

Here, enjoy. Sample no. 1 done in MS paint, oh yes, I'm losin' it! The scary bug eyed people are backkk~~!!

P/S: Yes, I just realized that I can change the colors and sizes of the fonts for my blog posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard the show u wanna watch is really stupid. In a bad way. Chiachia Jiun said so. She watch d.