Eh..I wanted to post last know, write one of those spartanly long entries again, but I ish lazehhh and forgetful~plus I realized how much work I had left for figure studies,ohohoho, I need to learn how to manage my time like chia chi, that crazy gurl...==;;
I went for the class party last friday, and it wasn't bad; for a mediocre effort by ah beng. Ahaha, joking, joking, don't cry ah beng!! Ah, he always brings out the mean streak in me for some reason. Fufufu~ Yea, the class party was pretty fun, I wish more people turned up though >_<. Terry, Kelly, Kazaf, Xiao Qing, Se Lin, Kevin, Clarissa, Kai, Christina, Sandy, Jonathan, Thomas, Coco, where were you guys???!! D=
Anyway, there was Dominos pizza, plenty of chicken, and the roasted marshmallows were good too, yum yum! I also really enjoyed hanging around the soya bean drink dispenser(water dispenser courtesy of chea wen), I went back to refill my cup like, every 10 minutes! After eating we played a bunch of games, and Ah beng even prepared a questionarre about our classmates for us to answer. unfortunately, only four people submitted the questionarre back tohim*pats Ah Beng* Because of that I won first place, yay! LOL.*throws confetti* The first prize is a layout pad and a roll of half used masking tape!! Gotta thank ah beng for the super lame prizes, the guy put in a lot of effort for this party! Kudos to Johnny and ahbeng! =D
Here are some photos from the day of the class party, sorry, I don't have many D=
Ivon and Pei Yoong playing at the kiddie playground~Aww....
Oh, and Yokey fractured her ankle from a game of volleyball during the party, I think she tore her ligaments or something, yea, very painful. >_< d=" Now it's back to mah bitching.
Letterforms SUXXXXXX. Yesh. And I really mean it this time. Feel my seething hatred for it. I even use red colored fonts. GAH. I'm just glad that I'm not gonna see too much of it anymore next time. I'm even starting to ignore my rumbling stomach when I work early into the morning. I know it will fight back with vengeance one day.
I'm sorry liver. i'm sorry stomach.
Sleep is starting to become a luxury I can't afford.
Eheh. Kidchan's artblog where she dumps doodlez and random stuff, I can't believe I found it <3:>